
Fictionista, Foodie, Feline-lover

Monday, May 22, 2023

A new series...coming soon

 I've lately been wanting to do something that combines historical fiction, spy thiller, and mystery. And as often is the case, I found a series of book covers that inspired me. Set in the WWI era, with a train, a dreadnought and a plane, the particulars of the character and the situations came to life. I'm still researching those. My grandfather served in WWI so it doesn't seem so long ago but more than a century?  All the covers have a similar sepia tone with the ghostly immages of WWI era machines in the background.

But then yesterday I was searching covers on Etsy and ran across a perfect cover by Puzzle Vault ( And it was perfect for updating my character to a new war and a new set of circumstances. It's in color, which helps sell the time shift. It's going to be set in 1937, 20 years after the first book ended. My hero is 50 and tired of "the Great Game." He was always a cynic, but now that cynicism is on the brink of turning dark.
All around him, he sees betrayal. Especially of the men who fought the war and the many who died. 
All around him, he sees disruption.
And all around him, he sees despair. For the mistakes after the Armistice have seeded the war that's coming and he fears it will be terrible.
His world has endured the Spanish Flu Epidemic. The Great Depression. The Advent of Talking Pictures. The Communist Revolution. 
The world was never simple but now it is more complex than ever.
I am eager to write these books but first I need to clear a bunch of sequels off my plate. 

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