Mark Rogers is a writer and artist
whose literary heroes include Charles Bukowski, Willie Vlautin and Charles
Portis. He lives most of the year in
Baja California, Mexico with his Sinaloa-born wife, Sophy. His work has
appeared in the New York Times, Village Voice and other publications and his
travel journalism has brought him to 54 countries; these trips have provided
plenty of inspiration for his novels and screenplays. His crime novel Koreatown
Blues will be published by Brash Books, Feb. 2017; his mystery novel Red Thread
is available from Endeavour Press. Drop into his Wordpress blogs Pissing on My Pistols and Mark Rogers – Author for news about upcoming books from him.
You’re a journalist. Did you start off with
short stories or dive right in to fiction?

Most writers are readers, who are the
writers who influenced you?
It’s a bit
like an archeological dig, with the deepest layer being Edgar Rice Burroughs,
up to Knut Hamsun and Henry Miller in my late teens, to Charles Bukowski,
Charles Portis, Charles Willeford, and Willy Vlautin. I’ve come to enjoy a
crisp, clean line, which is what I try to do in my own work. Kaurismäki.
On the crime novel
side, I’m a big fan of John D. MacDonald, Elmore Leonard, and Raymond Chandler.
There are other one-offs that I cherish, like “The Hustler” by Walter Tevis,
and “Fat City” by Leonard Gardner. I think I’m also influenced by film,
especially the movies by Finnish director Aki