Wednesday, May 31, 2023

CHOSEN ...Fight Like a Girl now on pre-order


Stories of bad-ass women (some of them with swords) available on preorder now. I have two stories in this collection. One by my pen name Kat Parrish, one by Katia Kozar. The stories will fit into my Twelve Realms world and be short works of epic fantasy. 

Find it here.

Speaking of epic fantasy, I watched Dungeons and Dragons today, which I enjoyed very much. I never played the game, but I know all the tropes and it was to see how the writers handled them Loved the fat dragon. It looked like Hugh Grant was having a great time. Ditto Chris Pines. Not a rod of lordly might in sight and nobody paid for their drinks with coppers!

Seasons of Silver Birch out today and FREE on Kindle

 The Christmas Experience was my first novel as a romance writer, and I created the fictional town of Silver Birch, Washington to be its location. At the time I was living in Bellingham, Washington (it's so gorgeous in the fall that it almost looks like it's a fairyland). I took my favorite parts of the city, embellished them, and before I knew it, I'd written a bunch of novellas and short stories based in Silver Birch. So I decided to combine them. The result is more tha 400 pages of cozy romance with all the tropes--second chance, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, surprise love, holiday romance. The  book is out now and it' free on Kindle. 

I had a lot of fun writing the stories. I hope you will enjoy reading them. 

Find it here.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Magic on preorder.


This new anthology was a lot of fun. My story, "Dragon Moon," is about what happens when the employees of a bookstore in Toronto are stuck inside at closing time when Dragons suddenly start appearing. It's got all my favorite tropes--enemies to friends, the outsider becoming a hero, working class kids and intellectual dreamers, and lots and lots of books. I think you might enjoy the story, and all the other ones you'll find inside. You can preorder it here

Monday, May 22, 2023

A new series...coming soon

 I've lately been wanting to do something that combines historical fiction, spy thiller, and mystery. And as often is the case, I found a series of book covers that inspired me. Set in the WWI era, with a train, a dreadnought and a plane, the particulars of the character and the situations came to life. I'm still researching those. My grandfather served in WWI so it doesn't seem so long ago but more than a century?  All the covers have a similar sepia tone with the ghostly immages of WWI era machines in the background.

But then yesterday I was searching covers on Etsy and ran across a perfect cover by Puzzle Vault ( And it was perfect for updating my character to a new war and a new set of circumstances. It's in color, which helps sell the time shift. It's going to be set in 1937, 20 years after the first book ended. My hero is 50 and tired of "the Great Game." He was always a cynic, but now that cynicism is on the brink of turning dark.
All around him, he sees betrayal. Especially of the men who fought the war and the many who died. 
All around him, he sees disruption.
And all around him, he sees despair. For the mistakes after the Armistice have seeded the war that's coming and he fears it will be terrible.
His world has endured the Spanish Flu Epidemic. The Great Depression. The Advent of Talking Pictures. The Communist Revolution. 
The world was never simple but now it is more complex than ever.
I am eager to write these books but first I need to clear a bunch of sequels off my plate.