Sunday, April 13, 2014

N is for Nordic Noir

I have never been to any Scandinavian country, but I love the sub-genre of mystery known as Nordic Noir. I am particularly fond of the "Harry Hole" books by Jo Nesbo (N is for Nesbo) and Jussi Adler-Olsen's Dept. Q books.  I'm not alone in my affection for these mysteries. There's a list of almost 300 titles in the genre on Goodreads and some of my favorite books aren't even on there. If you're looking for a place to dive into the chilly waters of this genre, the Goodreads list is a good place to start.


  1. Stopping by from the #atozchallenge !

    Haven't heard of this genre before. Sounds interesting!

    Psst.... we take off on Sundays. You are two days ahead, letter wise. Wasn't sure if you knew.

  2. First, thanks for stopping by. Nordic Noir is a really interesting sub-genre, although it's been around long enough I remember my mother reading mysteries about two Swedish cops. And thanks for reminding me about Sundays off. It's been ... that kind of month!
