Friday, April 4, 2014

E is also for Etsy

Books and Bling.  It seems to be becoming a thing with me these days.

I have a YA book coming out this summer, a science fiction romance and for the giveaway, I want a particular thing--a piece of jewelry that looks a bit futuristic but is still something you could wear in your everyday life.  I had found the perfect thing (PERFECT) on Etsy but for reasons I don't remember, I didn't snap it right up.  And when I came back to the site--somebody had bought MY piece of jewelry.  I was ... QUITE annoyed.

I like this item from Red Ava Designs. It looks sort of like something an alien ambassador to earth might wear in a Star Trek movie.  I like that it's copper, which always seems warmer than silver to me. I like the sleek industrial design of it. My heroine (Luz) runs a farm on a planet called Frontier, and even though things are automated and she's not out there digging in the dirt herself, I don't think she gets dressed up much, so this might be the thing.

but I keep coming back to it.  And I'm thinking if that slow-paying client who aggravates me so much actually tops up my PayPal account over the weekend, I should take it as a SIGN that this is meant to be the piece of swag I give away when I'm ready to promote the book.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice piece of jewelery! I love Etsy! I usually do most of my Christmas shopping on there :)

    Finley Jayne
