Showing posts with label Kathleen Mallory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kathleen Mallory. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Feminist Fiction Give-Away

There comes a time in every reader's life when she looks at the sagging weight of the six bookcases in her six-room apartment and says--time to clean house.
For me, that time is this weekend.
In the spirit of Feminist Fiction Friday, I am going to start with the ladies.
I'm divvying up the books into various packages.
And all you have to do is let me know you want one of the packages.
That's it.
Yes, it would be nice if you decided to follow the blog.
I'd love it if you followed the NoHo Noir twitter account (@nohonoir) or my own (@storyauthority) but seriously, All you have to do is leave a comment on this post calling dibs and I'll get in touch with you and arrange to ship you the books.
Please just claim the books if you're in the US--I'm also footing the media mail postage.
So check out the books:

Package #1--Carol O'Connell's Kathleen Mallory books. If you don't know the books, here's the Wikipedia article.

If you liked Steig Larssen's Millennium trilogy, you will love these books. I have nine of the paperbacks and possibly one hardback (not shelved with the others.) The titles include:  Winter House, Find Me, Mallory's Oracle, the Man Who Cast Two Shadows, Crime School, Stone angel, Shell Game, Killing Critics, and Dead Famous.