Showing posts with label Book 'Em. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book 'Em. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

B is for Book 'Em

Another indie bookstore is closing!!  This mystery bookstore in South Pasadena has been open for 24 years but now the owners rae retiring. The store will close on April 30th and they will host a "farewell signing" on April 6 for three writers--Naomi Hirahara, Wendy Hornsby, and Sue Ann Jaffarian. Naomi won't remember me, but I met her at Book 'Em when Kelli Stanley was there signing her books. If you're in the area, go by and buy!  Sales on everything. check out their site here.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I went to a book-signing for Kelli Stanley yesterday at Book Em' mystery bookstore in S. Pasadena (a wonderful place to drop a dollar or two). Had a great time and came away energized and inspired. I went to a Sisters in Crime event a couple of years ago that left me feeling the same way. I had wanted to go to Bouchercon last years when it was in San Francisco but that didn't happen. Now I have my sights set on Bouchercon 2011 in St. Louis. I've been to St. Louis in the summer. it's sticky. but that's why they made air conditioning.