Friday, September 29, 2023

Magic Discovered is live!


Out Now! Available with Kindle Unlimited. 

Magic has always remained hidden from the world. That's about to change. 

When magic is revealed, all hell will break loose as humans try to adapt to a world of witches, the fae, orcs, and dragons. Nothing will ever be the same again as they fight for survival against powerful beings with abilities they can only imagine. 

Is this the end for mankind? Or can they learn to live with magic? 

Magic Discovered is a limited collection of urban fantasy and paranormal fantasy stories.

Available now at your favorite digital store!

Get it here.

Available now at your favorite digital store!

Magic Discovered by S. K. Gregory, Kat Gracey, Sarina Langer, Kat Parrish, Kat Gracey and more! 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Babbling Brook Naked Poker Club Book One by Ann Warner

I used to facilitate a mystery book club that was primarily composed of women in their late sixties and seventies. And before we got to the book discussion each month, we often got into a discussion of what they'd suffered under the patriarchy. This book is about women in a retirement home who ALL have stories like that, and they all have pasts, sometimes dark pasts.
I loved this book and cannot wait to read the sequels. The characters are women who could be in my friends group. There's the teacher who "took care" of the bully, accidentally paralyzing him but knowing that she saved a lot of other kids pain. There's the woman who hides an original Edward Hopper painting in her room. There's the woman who took up handwriting analysis as a hobby to occupy her retirement. 

 TThe book is free today on Kindle.