Friday, March 30, 2018
Custom Cover art by John Donald Carlucci

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Fairy tale giveaway!
More than 50 books are up for grabs in this giveaway, including The Summer Garden, my retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Here's the link.
Beauty and the Beast,
fairy tales,
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Cover reveal...The Waking Dream
I am finishing up a new novella that will be included in the Dark Rising boxed set anchored by NYT and USA Today bestselling author K.N. Lee. The boxed set will publish May 1 and is currently on pre-order for 99 cents on Amazon.
The theme of the boxed set is dark romance and my story, "The Waking Dream" features a woman who was fathered by Morpheus, god of sleep. She and her sisters are dreamwalkers, but unlike her sisters, my heroine does not have to be ASLEEP to enter another's dreams.
I found this beautiful cover by Natasja Hellenthal of Beyond Book Covers, who is currently selling her work through The Book Cover Designer. Her covers run from $69 to $89, which is a bargain these days.
I actually bought the cover before I had a story for it (a bad habit I have--I have a stockpile of covers; enough to last me through the decade). But I knew at some point I would have the right story and now I do.
The theme of the boxed set is dark romance and my story, "The Waking Dream" features a woman who was fathered by Morpheus, god of sleep. She and her sisters are dreamwalkers, but unlike her sisters, my heroine does not have to be ASLEEP to enter another's dreams.
I found this beautiful cover by Natasja Hellenthal of Beyond Book Covers, who is currently selling her work through The Book Cover Designer. Her covers run from $69 to $89, which is a bargain these days.
I actually bought the cover before I had a story for it (a bad habit I have--I have a stockpile of covers; enough to last me through the decade). But I knew at some point I would have the right story and now I do.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Meet author L.C. Ireland

Connect with L.C. on:
On her website.
does LC stand for and why did you decide to use that for your byline? I was
named after two of my aunts, one on my mother’s side and one on my father’s
side. One aunt is named Leslie, the other’s middle name is Colleen, thus my
full name is Leslie Colleen. But I’ve always gone by “L.C.” My parents brought
me home from the hospital calling me L.C.
began your writing life as a playwright. What drew you to novels? I was
that kid who dreamed about writing books before I could even read. One day I
realized I was already writing and publishing my own plays, so why not books?
So I sat down and made myself start writing.
write and direct plays. Have you ever acted?
I did act in grade school and a little in high school.
Unfortunately, I had an “undesirable” body type and found that getting roles
was really difficult no matter how hard I worked or how well I sang or acted. I
found a lot more success in directing. I started directing when I was 15 and
knew that was what I wanted to do for a living.
Anne McCaffrey,
fantasy writer,
L.C. Ireland,
Magic Rising
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Magic Rising!!!! Publishes this week
My novelette Vaikus (that's the Estonian word for "silence") is in this great boxed set, due for release on the 22nd!!Right now it's available for pre-order here for 99 cents. My story involves a gargoyle, a traveling theater group, and an ancient evil. As always, these boxed sets offer a terrific variety of stories (dragons!) by an exciting collection of authors. Many of the contributors have their "letters" (USA Today) and "big letters" (NY Times best-selling) so I was thrilled to be a part of the set.
99 cent boxed set,
best-selling authors,
Sunday Book Giveaways!!
So many, many, many books today!
Click here for the Instafreebie Science Fiction and Fantasy March madness lineup.
Want more? Of course you do, because life is all about the Extra.
Scroll through the offerings in the Mystery Magic Adventure giveaway.
Click here for the Instafreebie Science Fiction and Fantasy March madness lineup.
Want more? Of course you do, because life is all about the Extra.
Scroll through the offerings in the Mystery Magic Adventure giveaway.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Sunday Sci Fi--the Next Big Thing
I have a minor in geology and always had a soft spot for trilobites. I wrote this story for a contest a few years ago.
The Next Big Thing

For one thing it was huge, at
least a foot long, maybe more. And it
was strange in a disturbing way. It
looked like what you’d get if you mated a roachy bug to a lobster. She decided it probably was some kind of
mutated crustacean that had somehow crawled up from the harbor and found its
way into her house. And now she was
going to have to deal with it before she’d had a chance to finish her coffee.
riscilla Newnam had seen some peculiar things in her 87
years, but she had never seen anything like the bug that crawled across her
spotless kitchen floor one sunny July morning as she was eating her
There wasn’t much that Priscilla Newnam was afraid of but the
sight of the creature scuttling across her kitchen linoleum was…unsettling. Priscilla’s husband Tom had been a lobster
man, and once or twice he’d brought home some strange things he’d found in his
pots. There’d been a yellow lobster
once, a freakish thing that he’d sold to the owner of a clam bar in Massachusetts who wanted
to keep it in a tank to attract customers.
A reporter and photographer from the Cape Courier
had come up to the house to interview Tom.
The photographer, a young fellow named Julien Thibidoux, had take Tom’s
picture holding the yellow lobster up by one claw. Then Julien had taken a picture of Tom and
Priscilla just because he wanted to and sent it to them later. That had been nice of him. She still had the picture on her bedside
As she watched the thing move from one end of the kitchen to
the other, Priscilla decided that she was going to play the “age card” and turn
the problem over to someone else. She
hardly ever did that because she didn’t want people to start thinking of her as
an old biddy, someone who’d outlived her usefulness. But just this once, she
decided she would call animal control and let them deal with it.
Science fiction,
short fiction,
Friday, March 2, 2018
Patricia Abbott picks her favorite short stories

Edgar Award finalist Patricia Abbott, author of Shot in Detroit, Concrete Angel, and a new collection of short fiction, I Bring Sorrow and Other Stories of Transgression, has written more than 150 short stories that have appeared in print and online publications. She won the Derringer Award in 2008 for her story "My Hero." She is co-editor of the anthology Discount Noir. She has published two previous collection of short stories, Monkey Justice and Other Stories and Home Invasion. She also maintains one of the most entertaining blogs around, Pattinase, which features everything from author interviews, to a regular Friday column, "Forgotten Books." I don't know anyone I'd rather talk short stories with. Here are her favorite picks today.
My Ten Favorite Short Stories (today)
Since I have spent most of the last twenty years writing
short stories, I also read a lot of them. For me, a good short story is closer
to a good poem than a good novel. It manages to tell you something, hopefully
something important, in a few pages. I always read them in one sitting. (Except
perhaps here for the Munro story which is quite long.)
Here are a few of my favorites. Ask me next week and they
might change but for now this is the ten. Incidentally nearly all of them are
available in PDFs online.
1. So Much Water, So Close to Home, Raymond Carver
A group of men on a camping trip stumble on a dead girl as
soon as they arrive, but do not let this detail interfere with their good
times. Truly a chilling story and there is a good film of it called JINDABYNE.
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