Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pinterest and Me

I'm kind of a late comer to Pinterest. I signed up for it when it launched but never really played around with it until a few weeks ago when I found myself with time on my hands and no real inclination to do any work. The next thing I knew, I had more than 30 boards (divided into topics as diverse as "Machine Dreams" and "All Things Arthurian") and I had more than 1200 images pinned. So I guess you could say I'm hooked. In case you are too, you can see my boards here.

I am finding it really relaxing to look at what other people have collected on their boards and the content they're curating. There are a lot of people "into" mermaids and dinosaurs and women wearing red dresses.  (I'm following a couple of boards where the pinners post gorgeous images every day.) A lot of these images inspire stories. A lot of the images inspire connection.

I love social media. I never expected to be this engaged.