But I digress.
I make exceptions to my no-fan policy from time to time,
though, and one of those exceptions is for Bill Nighy. Yes, I (heart) Bill Nighy. I’ve always liked him as an actor—the scene
in Love Actually when his has-been
rocker character goes on a radio show and gleefully trashes Britney Spears, his
own career, the record he’s promoting, and everything else in sight is not only
my favorite scene in the movie, it’s one of my top-ten movie scenes ever. Some
years ago I saw him on a Comic Con panel promoting one of the Underworld movies and he was just
delightful—funny, self-deprecating, courtly.
People I know who have worked with him can’t say enough wonderful things
about him and believe me, that’s pretty rare.
So I wondered—has Bill Nighy done any Shakespeare? It turns
out that he hasn’t and he has some pretty funny things to say about why
not. Here's a quote from vulture.com on on the typical Shakespeare costumes.
Here's an interview from 2009 where he riffs even more hilariously on the topic.
I can't help but think what a fabulous King Lear Nighy would make.
He is great. His scenes are pretty much all I can bare in Love Actually. He's great in The Constant Gardner, too.
ReplyDeleteI am watching Constant Gardener on Netflix tonight, actually. Really liked the book.