Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It's Earth Day. Stay at home and read.

About a year ago, writer Kaye George posted a map on her Facebook timeline that showed which parts of the country would be underwater as the sea level rises due to climate change. One of those places was Washington, D.C., where I was born. And for some reason, that visual--which wasn't new information--hit me hard. In the past year, my household has made a conscious effort to live without one-time use plastic and paper products (we use bamboo paper towels, we purchased a bidet attachment for our toilets), we stopped eating meat and dairy. (That's still hard for me; I used to eat my bodyweight in cheese a year.)

I've given money to climate change/environmental groups but I have been driven--particularly since the election of 2016--t do more. And "more' for me involves writing. The minute I saw that image, a phrase came to me--DEATH IN THE DROWNED LANDS. The idea was that I wanted stories of death (not necessarily murder) in a place that was inundated by water. Fourteen writers answered the call and the result is now available, just in time for Earth Day. Here's the universal link. Here's the Apple link. (They don't play well with the universal link.) Here's the Nook link. (Ditto.)