
Fictionista, Foodie, Feline-lover

Showing posts with label The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2016

A book for the Wish List

I love cook books. I've edited them. I've written them. I've belonged to cookbook clubs and bought them at yard sales. When I moved away from Los Angeles I gave almost all of them away. That was partly out of self-defense. As a diabetic, my cooking these days is pretty simple and confined to dishes I like and that work for me managing my disease. I did not need forty-seven books on chocolate or baked goods or Sothern cooking. (I make amazing biscuits but seriously, my biscuit-making days are over.)

Every so often, though, a book grabs my attention. I love spicy food and I love learning bout the herbs and spices that combine to make those meals. This book is on my radar.