
Fictionista, Foodie, Feline-lover

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Koreatown Blues by Mark Rogers ... a review

A man walks into a Korean karaoke bar and …
It sounds like the beginning of a joke but it’s not, and by the time the first chapter of Mark Rogers’ outstanding Koreatown Blues concludes with a bang, you’ll realize it’s just the opening riff of a mystery that revitalizes the L.A. noir tradition from the inside out. Readers who know Los Angeles will be delighted by the specificity of the local color. (I lived in Koreatown when I first moved to L.A., and Rogers nails it.)
The story is tight, the prose is taut, and the pacing is cinematic as Rogers unspools his plot, a fantastic thing involving blood feuds and murdered husbands and what the proprietor of the bar refers to (with grim understatement) as “bad business.”
All that would be pleasure enough, but Rogers also knows how to flesh out a character so that everyone from his Latino employees to a flirtatious gypsy cab driver have their moments to shine on the page. Rogers’ L.A. is people with hard-working immigrants who give the lie to stereotypes, racist cops who couldn’t care less how people see them, wannabe actors, and cranky old guys like Jules, Wes’ former boss, who used to tell him that you can outsource a lot of things in America but you still have to go local to get a haircut, your sink fixed, or your car washed.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Two of my favorite things--cats and science

If you're on Facebook, you might want to check out the remarkably silly page, "Cats in Space Quoting Scientists." Because some very funny people have WAY too much time on their hands.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

A picture is worth a thousand words

The new president-elect is all about image so he knows exactly what kind of message he's sending with this Christmas tweet pic. Scares the bejezus out of me. Because really, nothing says "Happy Holidays" like a raised fist. And I love (not) that he felt compelled to add "President-elect" to his name, as if we don't know who he is.

Water Taxi in a River of Vampire Fish

I love it when I'm looking for something particular and then something completely unexpected pops up on my radar. I was following a link to a set of sci-fi romantic adventures and on a whim decided to see what was on offer in the freebie Kindle store today. (Because it's never too late to get myself a Christmas present.) I saw this book and went, "squee." A drowned New York. A sinister plot. And two bonus stories. My kind of read. You can find it free yourself here. And if you do download it, let me know what you think of it!

Poetry inspired by Shakespeare

Destination Shakespeare is a book of 24 poems published by Vancouver-based Misfit Press. You can see an animation of one of the poems here (just click on the book cover). I wish I'd known about this book before Christmas because I know a few people who would have loved to find it in their stocking (including ME).

Friday, December 23, 2016

I'm old enough to remember the last arms race

I was just a little girl when the US and Russia went eye to eye and toe to toe in Cuba. I remember sitting on our living room couch next to my mother as she watched John F. Kennedy's speech to the nation during those terrible days in October. (My father wasn't home. A career Army officer, he was "on alert" and getting ready, if need be, to be deployed.)

I didn't really understand what was going on so I asked my mother. "The president's telling us we're going to war," my mother said. I was terrified. The word "war" was still pretty abstract to me but I understood that if we went to war, it meant my father would be fighting it. In this Strangelovian world Americans now find ourselves in, I am more frightened now than I have been in decades.
Donald Trump is going to kill us all. It is no consolation at all knowing that Trump Tower and the White House are both at Ground Zero and no matter what nuclear horror follows the apocalypse he is threatening to unleash, he won't be around to profit by it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Stephen King...

I couldn't have said it better myself. But then, I can rarely say anything better than Stephen King.